The Riddle That Seems Impossible Even If You Know The Answer
The Riddle That Seems Impossible Even If You Know The Answer >>>
This one has a simple answer even though it stumps most people who try to figure it out. Wet and dry seem like they always have to be opposite, so you might get tripped up. Think of an object that can, ahem (hint!) absorb or be both.
The math nerds may start thinking about prime numbers or whether seven is divisible by this or that or if it can be cubed and all that. Avoid thinking about math altogether and think about the literal quality of the words that signify the numbers. Remember that riddles play with the differences between the literal and the conceptual, or the straightforward and the complex. For this riddle, think simple, but pivot to a paradigm separate from numbers.
What am trying to make you understand greg is even if two people could communicate among themselves using tachyon device and it seems from ones perspective that he got a response before the othe sent the signal this is never actaully the case, it merely seems to them as the case because of relativity. But realistically it can never happen. Thats why i have trouble with what seems like. If you add a third observer that is outside the equation from the other two. He will tell you how things are and not what it seems like.
I myself agreed with your commennts, but the question is this, which is begin to create me mad mad and mad, how the Sciencetist assume the speed, about the Big bang, what is Big Bang,how it started, while there was nothing, let suppose, there was abig black hole, what was beside and inside the holeno body have perfect answer, am I right, now how big bang started without any molucules or elements, how its collied with each other, which one, is the big bang automatically create the sand soil,rock gases, air and every thing which we are discovering gadually after experiment.Everywhere about the Big Bang, but actually no body can explain about big bang, how the big bang started, which elements, molucles or something else force for big bang, is big bang create it self the soil rock,star, sun moon, gases,earth and other live things even water and gases, so it is clear now that before big bang there were every thing may be in black hole and God created the big bang to make the universe.The formula=There is nothing= to nothing, if there is something, resulting something, these topic s are foolishness, and just making fool himself who thinks about how create the universe, , I question you, which power create the big bang wjhich elements or molucules in big bang, from where those elements or molucles came, have you any solid answer, no never, so my dear, now faith upon God he is almighty, and notjhing else, he is from the very begining even before big bang , name of God started from where when our thinking reached up to end, but there is a super power, name God, so do not go against the nature or God,big bang not create the man,animal, wild and each and every things on earth even on another planet, which we do not know, and never can reach up to there, even the NASA build the engine more faster i.e the speed, billion miles per second or trillion miles per second. we just create to pass our life as the almighty God bestow us his book Bible, Quran Sherif, and send the prophet time to time to teach us the truth and fact, we can not comapare our self Nauzbillah with almighty God,our thinking is finished and his nature sart. No doubt God mentioned in his Quran that I made every thing for you you find out for the sake of you, but it does not mean,you discover about me nauzbillah, what was before God, what is over the sky, where the end of the universe,how I create the things, man animal trees, and each and every things,These are the evils thinking, he ever tried to humen against almighty God, and the foolish men think all the time about these foolish things.Big Bang, I myself do not believe, we jus assume no evidence, no prove.
speed requires a relative point in space in order to be measurable. and acceleration requires a fixed starting point. so how can the big bang, or expansion, have a speed how can it have an acceleration everything we know of physics tells us that the big bang is impossible
SolutionThe question you can ask either person is, \"What path would the other person tell me is the correct one\" The answer will always be the wrong path to take, and you can safely take the other path.Imagine the correct path is A. If you ask directly, \"Which is the correct path\" the knave will say B is correct while the knight will say A.However, when asked which path the other person would say is correct, the knave will lie and say that the knight would tell you path B is correct. Meanwhile, the knight will tell the truth about the knave's answer, and say that the knave will tell you that path B is the correct one.In both cases you know that then answer, path B, is actually a lie, so you should take the other path.
Math riddles for adults are one of the best-known ways to keep your mind sharp. Since mathematics riddles make our brain muscles work, these are the exercises that adults prefer. Check out the math riddles with answers for adults listed below:
Looking for incredibly challenging math riddles with answers Challenges are always good for our brains but there are really hard math riddles that are just designed for geniuses! Here are some great examples of hard but not impossible ones for you:
By now, most of you have seen the seemingly-perplexing riddlethat's been going around on various radio shows, copiers and faxmachines, and of course, every listserv in existence. The riddleseems to have perplexed just about everyone. Many people haveattempted to be helpful and have posted lengthy explanations,many of which, it seemed, were more incomprehensible than theoriginal riddle. (I hope *this* explanation is not one of them.)
So, why then does this riddle continue to mystify even thehardiest puzzle-solvers Simple! It's because the riddle itself is almost always stated INCORRECTLY!That's right. The way the riddle is most often told, there IS noanswer!
But you know what There IS no correct answer! This riddle ora version of it, has been around for at least 20 years. In theORIGINAL format (as you'll soon see), it makes sense and is atrue riddle in the sense that, once you find the answer, you slapyour forehead and go \"Of course!\" So, what IS thecorrect version, you ask Be patient, because first we have toconsider the nature of riddles.
By definition, they are mind-teasers that use word tricks. Ariddle is not a trivia question for which you can go to areference book and look up an answer. In a true riddle, there'salways some sneaky little trick that makes such a straight answerimpossible. So to find the sneaky little trick in this -GRYpuzzler, think of the way magic is performed. The magician doessomething to divert your attention away from what he is actuallyup to. If you watch very closely when all those scarves are beingwaved about, you realize that much of the action on stage issimply a technique to confuse or befuddle you so that you willnot catch on to the magician's sly movements. That lovelyassistant who parades around in high heels and sequins is thereprimarily to keep you distracted so you won't figure out thetrick. (Hey, it works on ME!)
A final note: There are, or have been in the past, a number ofEnglish words ending in -GRY, for example, \"mawgry,\"and \"iggry\" and even an obscure noun, \"gry,\"that means a small unit of measure. Many people *thought* theyhad solved this puzzle when they found one of these words in olddictionary or by scouring the Internet. But c'mon, folks, when'sthe last time you used a word like \"gry\" in everydayconversation The thing about riddles is, you must follow them tothe letter or they just don't work. This one got messed upsomewhere along the way and has become somewhat of a cruel hoax(and perhaps has even become an \"urban legend\")
The reason why in certain cases it seems correct to assert that things will go a certain way is that in those cases we take it to be true that things will go that way. As far as we know, the sun will rise tomorrow. Of course, we are not absolutely certain that it will. We might be wrong, due to unforeseen circumstances. However, the evidence that supports our prediction is solid.
In this respect, assertions about the future resemble assertions about the past. The cases in which it seems correct to assert that things went a certain way are cases in which we take it to be true that things went that way. For example, it seems correct to assert that dinosaurs disappeared long time ago. Conversely, the cases in which it does not seem correct to assert that things went a certain way are cases in which we do not know whether things went that way. For example, it does not seem correct to assert that Caesar was annoyed by a mosquito while crossing the Rubicon.
In chapter 9 of De Interpretatione, Aristotle asks whether it makes sense to say that a sentence about a future event that can occur or not occur is true or false. His answer is that it does not make sense, for if the sentence were true or false, then the event would be necessary or impossible:
The rejection of excluded middle, however, constitutes a flaw of option 1, for it is hard to believe that a disjunction formed by a sentence and its negation, such as (3), is not true. Even though we do not know what will happen tomorrow, it seems certain that either there will be a sea battle tomorrow or there will not.
This prompts the question of whether it makes sense to say that one of the possible futures is the actual future. The very idea of a unique actual future may easily raise doubts and misgivings. If one among the many possible futures is the actual future, it is unclear how the other futures can be equally possible, given that they will not become real. In other words, it seems impossible that what will happen is not predetermined. In order to adequately justify the distinction between truth and determinate truth, some convincing responses to these questions must be provided. 59ce067264