Nn Mature Models
Nn Mature Models > https://fancli.com/2tCSst
Directing the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into motor neurons has allowed investigators to develop new models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, techniques vary between laboratories and the cells do not appear to mature into fully functional adult motor neurons. Here we discuss common developmental principles of both lower and upper motor neuron development that have led to specific derivation techniques. We then suggest how these motor neurons may be matured further either through direct expression or administration of specific factors or coculture approaches with other tissues. Ultimately, through a greater understanding of motor neuron biology, it will be possible to establish more reliable models of ALS. These in turn will have a greater chance of validating new drugs that may be effective for the disease.
Treated neurospheres during 7 days in the presence of DMT, alone or in combination with the different antagonists, under differentiation conditions (medium with 1% fetal bovine serum and absence of growth factors) were used. To study the ability to differentiate into a certain neural phenotype, the expression of specific proteins linked to every neural subtype was analyzed (Fig. 2). To detect neurons, β-III-tubulin (clone TuJ-1), found exclusively in neurons and MAP-2 (microtubule-associated protein 2), present in mature neurons, were used (Fig. 2a, b). To study its differentiation toward an astroglial or oligodendroglial phenotype (Fig. 2c, d), we analyzed the expression of GFAP (astrocytes) and CNPase (oligodendrocytes).
Neurogenesis consists of proliferation and loss of stemness of the NSCs, migration of neuroblasts and differentiation into functional neurons. Results here obtained demonstrate that DMT controls all these stages. Interestingly, in addition to the neurogenic potential, DMT also induced the formation of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. This ability for controlling neurogenesis is of great interest, since in pathological conditions, the renewal of the neurons must be optimized by acting simultaneously on several processes40,66. We have previously indicated that many molecules67,68,69,70,71 and recently β-carbolines contained in ayahuasca49 exerted and effect on cell proliferation and differentiation, therefore the effect of DMT stimulating cell proliferation and differentiation is not exclusive to this compound. One of the goals of this work is that additionally to its neurogenic effect, DMT also stimulated migration and new generation of astroglial cells and oligodendrocytes, what highlights the versatility of this compound as it can promote all the processes involved in full adult neurogenesis. Specifically, astrocytes are known to support the proliferation, survival, and maturation of developing neurons and neuroblasts that have already committed to neuronal lineages72 but also to promote neurogenesis73,74. In fact, previous works demonstrated that astrocytes in vitro could be directly converted into neurons or stem-like cells, pointing to the plasticity of these somatic glial cells75,76,77. No previous studies on the neurogenic effect of DMT have been described, but in comparison with the effect of other ayahuasca components such as β-carbolines49, we can conclude that the effect of DMT on adult neurogenesis is considerably more potent. As an additional value to the generation of neurons, the glial cells formation induced by DMT might be an ideal target for in vivo neuronal conversion after neural injury, since some studies have achieved to generate proliferating, non-tumorigenic neuroblasts from resident astrocytes78. The main therapeutical implication of the results here obtained is derived from the close relationship between neurogenesis and antidepressant activity described in several animal models79.
Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) is used extensively for discovery and identification of cell types, for characterizing transcriptional states within them, and for inference of continuous gene expression gradients linking these states. These phenomenological observations are used for creating cell type atlases and as a starting point for analysis of different cellular processes, including differentiation, cell cycle, and response to stimuli [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] (reviewed in [10]). The advent of scRNA-seq increased the resolution of models for transcriptional regulation by orders of magnitude compared to prior bulk methods, allowing precise and unbiased analysis of small cell populations as well as opening the way to quantitative modeling of subtle within-population effects.
When scRNA analysis is tuned toward cell type detection [6, 11], the implicit model assumption is that single cells derived from the same transcriptional cluster are approximately identical. In this case, sampling noise can be overcome by pooling the molecules from a sufficiently large number of cells, such that the expected number of sampled transcripts (or unique molecular identifiers (UMIs)) from each significantly expressed gene allows precise inference of the concentration of this RNA species in the idealized cell state that the cluster represents. When aiming at modeling more subtle molecular states, in particular those involving dynamics of cellular differentiation or response to stimuli, the clustering state homogeneity assumption can no longer hold. In these scenarios, current techniques combine handling of sparse data with modeling (implicitly or explicitly) of cellular dynamics [3, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]. Inference of robust cell-to-cell similarity metrics from sparse data is commonly used for construction of K-nn graphs over which dynamics are inferred. Smoothing sparse data [25,26,27] or imputation of transcriptional states [25, 28,29,30] was proposed as a possible pre-process for modeling similarity in the data. Model-based inference of transcriptional states from sparse data is on the other hand still difficult to derive, since parametric models for single-cell RNA-seq data are lacking. Even though a basic parametric model for the sampling noise in scRNA-seq profiles can be easily assumed, it is not routinely explicitly integrated within a broader context of model inference from scRNA-seq data.
Differences in prediction accuracy should reflect the different similarity measures employed by each method as well as the effect of disjoint partitioning applied in MetaCell. In theory, the partitioning strategy should provide less modeling flexibility compared to approaches that compute cell-specific neighborhoods. The latter effect should be particularly noticeable when several MCs discretize a continuum, such as differentiation trajectory (type III MCs, Fig. 1a). In practice, we observed relatively mild differences between the different approximations (Fig. 3b), with very few genes losing accuracy when MCs are used. Moreover, analysis of the gain in accuracy when including all genes in the models (Fig. 3c) suggested that MetaCell is significantly less exposed to over-fitting than the K-nn approaches. The diffusion-based smoothing approach showed minimal overfitting, but also loss of accuracy (Fig. 3c). Overall, the nearly multinomial intra-MC UMI distribution observed above and the minimal loss of predictive power entailed by the MetaCell disjoint partition, together suggest that MCs succeed in capturing most of the biological variation in the data, while eliminating most of the sampling noise.
In cases where residual intra-MC structure is detected in the cover, additional cells can be sampled to refine the MC cover and tighten the approximation. Fundamentally however, in any realistic data set, there will always remain some under-sampled behaviors regardless of sampling depth, and our current model will not provide a constructive approach for understanding such behaviors beyond signaling them out as non-homogeneous. Fitting more flexible intra-MC models, capable of accounting for not only sampling noise but also convergent processes such as cell cycle or stress [47, 48], or embedding the metacells in hierarchical or multi-resolution structures [49, 50] should allow for more efficient extraction of the signals of interest. We view the integration of such models as an important future extension of this work.
Cancer incidence increases with age, but paradoxically, cancers have been found to grow more quickly in young mice compared with aged ones. The cause of differential tumor growth has been debated and, over time, attributed to faster tumor cell proliferation, decreased tumor cell apoptosis, and/or increased angiogenesis in young animals. Despite major advances in our understanding of tumor immunity over the past 2 decades, little attention has been paid to comparing immune cell populations in young and aged mice. Using mouse colon adenocarcinoma model MC38 implanted in young and mature mice, we show that age substantially influences the number of tumor-infiltrating cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, which control cancer progression. The different tumor growth pace in young and mature mice was abrogated in RAG1null mice, which lack mature T and B lymphocytes, and upon selective depletion of endogenous CD8+ cells. Transcriptome analysis further indicated that young mice have decreased levels of the Itga4 gene (CD49d, VLA-4) in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes when compared with mature mice. Hypothesizing that VLA-4 can have a tumor-protective effect, we depleted the protein, which resulted in accelerated tumor growth in mature mice. These observations may explain the paradoxical growth rates observed in murine cancers, point to the central role of VLA-4 in controlling tumor growth, and open new venues to therapeutic manipulation.
Abstract:Faults on individual modules within a photovoltaic (PV) array can have a significant detrimental effect on the power efficiency and reliability of the entire PV system. In addition, PV module faults can create risks to personnel