Gta Vice City Romania Download [HOT] Rar
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The game boasts a large number of vehicles, ranging from taxis, delivery trucks, police cars, sports cars, motorcycles, sports utility vehicles and off-road vehicles. The player may also buy a variety of weapons, such as assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, shotguns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, sniper rifles, flamethrowers, explosives, and healing items such as bandages and first aid kits. In the GTA III and Vice City, the player character is armed with a fully automatic Tommy gun, but in GTA San Andreas, the player has the ability to wield a variety of different guns.
The game has since then spawned various sequels like GTA vice city 2, GTA vice city 4, GTA vice city missions, GTA vice city mission pack, GTA vice city mobile, GTA vice city online and there is a GTA vice city 3 which has been released as a project of a fan.
The game has since then spawned numerous sequels over the years, and the most recent one is known as the latest GTA vice city which is known as GTA vice city street race, GTA vice city street race 2, GTA vice city street race episod...
GTA Vice City is rated “M” by the ESRB. Therefore, the game is suitable for all ages. However, there may be some blood-shedding occurring in the game. The game has a single player mode called the single player game. The game has a number of challenges called difficulty levels for the players to beat. The user can choose to play the game on the easiest or the hardest level.
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