Geosoft Target For 11
Geosoft Target For 11
The benefits of conducting a VTEM survey in an ore body with a flat dip are a lower noise level, a better detectability of anomalies, and the capacity to delineate single or multiple anomalies, like in the neighbouring L1235 target, target T-14, where there was a lower noise level and good detectability of an anomaly with low pick values, as well as the capacity to delineate conductive laminae. The results are summarised in Table 2.
The results of the thick plate modelling of L1241-2, target T-15, is shown in Figure 9. The black lines are the field data of the Z component of the VTEM flight line L1241 and the red lines indicate the signals from the modelled plate. The top of the conductor is close to the surface. It has a strike length of 170 m, a conductance of 70 Siemens, and 25° dipping to the east. The difference between both profiles is the strike length of the conductor (Figure 8 and Figure 9).
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