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We're very excited to be releasing today's update which brings AR modes to Camo! The launch set contains over a dozen modes for improved accessibility, masking, focus, and novelty uses and will be available free and unrestricted for all users from 6am PT (2pm BST) on Thursday October 28th. Later today we'll be celebrating the launch of this new feature with a live event, visit camoapp.com/live to find out more!
Dante Cesa from Engadget, in his review, praised the \"brilliance\" in Apple's execution of Messages. He complimented the way Messages did not change the earlier SMS UI and would automatically convert an SMS/MMS to iMessage if the recipient was registered; and from iMessage to SMS/MMS if they stopped using the service.[28] Dan Moren from Macworld was also in praise of Apple execution saying that \"...there's no having to explain to your less technically savvy friends how they can send you a free message instead of an SMS; it's all done automatically.\"[29] This feature was widely praised.[30][31][32]
Welcome to the penultimate article in our series on Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). If you have missed the first four chapters in this online book about the free, open-source video production application, you can catch up by following these links:
Camera for OBS Studio works with an OBS plugin that must be installed on the Mac or PC being used. Should you decide to use a Wi-Fi connection, the NewTek NDI plugin for OBS Studio can be downloaded from OBS for free.
**Touch Portal**: Remember the earlier discussion about using Stream Deck to optimize workflows in OBS Touch Portal is a free alternative that runs on iOS or iPadOS devices, connects to a desktop app on Windows or Mac, and then provides a way to run hotkeys remotely.
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