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Where we process your Personal Information to provide a product or service, we do so because it is necessary to perform contractual obligations that we owe to you and for our legitimate interests to provide products and services, to maintain our relationship with you and to protect our business. If you choose not to provide us with the Personal Information we need to provide you with a product or service, we will not be able to provide it. When you purchase and/or download new products, we will only use your Personal Information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, and any notification provided to you at the time of purchase or download.
This page provides links to printed product manuals in PDF form. For additional information and documentation, be sure to check the corresponding software installer download link next to each product.
You can review, print and download the respective GPL licence terms here. You receive the GPL source codes of the respective software used in TP-Link products for direct download and further information, including a list of TP-Link software that contain GPL software code under GPL Code Center.
The Web Installer is the easiest way to install Nextcloud on a web space. It checks the dependencies, downloads Nextcloud from the official server, unpacks it with the right permissions and the right user account. Finally, you will be redirected to the Nextcloud installer.
By downloading, installing, accessing or using, you: (a) affirm that you have all of the necessary permissions andauthorizations to access and use; (b) if you are using the Software pursuant to a license purchased by anorganization, that you are authorized by that organization to access and use; (c) acknowledge that you haveread and that you understand this Agreement; (D) represent that you are of sound mind and of legal age(18 years of age or older) to enter into a binding Agreement; and (e) accept and agree to be legally bound bythe terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Subject to the terms of this Agreement and, if applicable, those terms provided in the License Agreement,Music Tribe grants you a limited, non-exclusive, perpetual, revocable and non-transferable license todownload, install and use the Software a that you own or control.
Use the following links to download HOBOware Pro (requires pro license key) or update to your existing installation to the latest version. HOBOware will preserve your license level during the upgrade process. Updates to HOBOware® software are available to customers of Onset Computer Corporation under the terms of the License Agreement contained in the installation programs.
Requirements: BlueJeans Relay download package (software and documentation), provisioned account, on-premise server, calendar service (Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019, Office 365, or Google Calendar), Android tablet (4.2 and later) for each configured conference room, Relay Touch app. Please refer to the Getting Started guide for setup instructions.
Requirements: BlueJeans Relay download package (software and documentation), provisioned account, on-premise server, calendar service (Exchange 2010/2013/2016, Office 365, or Google Calendar), Android tablet (4.2 and later) for each configured conference room, Relay Touch app. Please refer to the Getting Started guide for setup instructions.
This page lists items that the ASCOM Initiative has made available for download. The ASCOM Platform is required for most of the drivers and other components. It contains a set of common interfaces, engines, and tools that are used to support most ASCOM drivers and other components. The Platform installer also contains a set of developer tools and documentation which may be optionally installed.
In the Hardware tab, you can see all your IK hardware products, and download related drivers, control panels and other accessory software. Firmware updates and other accessory software updates can be found here, too. 2b1af7f3a8